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Garden Gazebo Pergola


Product Description: The Pergola Motorized Retractable Louvre Aluminium Waterproof Bioclimatic Outdoor Garden Gazebo Pergola is a sophisticated and versatile addition to any outdoor space, providing shade, shelter, and comfort throughout the year. Crafted from high-quality aluminum, this bioclimatic pergola features motorized retractable louvres that can be adjusted to control sunlight, airflow, and ventilation, creating a comfortable and customizable outdoor environment. The waterproof design ensures protection from rain, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space even during inclement weather. Whether used for dining, entertaining, or relaxation, this motorized pergola offers the perfect balance of style, functionality, and durability for enhancing your outdoor living experience.

Product Type: Motorized Retractable Louvre Pergola
Material: Aluminum
Design: Bioclimatic
Features: Waterproof, Motorized Retractable Louvres
Usage: Outdoor Garden Gazebo
Dimensions: (Typical dimensions, may vary)

Length: Varies depending on design, typically between 10-20 feet (3-6 meters)
Width: Varies depending on design, typically between 10-15 feet (3-4.5 meters)
Height: Varies depending on design, typically between 8-10 feet (2.4-3 meters)

Color : Black

Motorized Retractable Louvres: Louvres can be adjusted using a motorized system, allowing for precise control over sunlight, ventilation, and airflow.
Waterproof Design: Ensures protection from rain and moisture, allowing for year-round use and enjoyment of outdoor spaces.
Bioclimatic Functionality: Offers a comfortable outdoor environment by regulating temperature, light, and airflow, enhancing the overall outdoor living experience.

Prepare the installation area and ensure proper support for the pergola structure.
Install the pergola components according to the provided instructions, including mounting the motorized system and louvres.
Connect the electrical components and test the motorized functionality.
Ensure proper waterproofing measures are in place to protect against rain and moisture.

What’s Included:
Motorized retractable louvre aluminium pergola structure
Motorized system
Waterproofing materials
Installation instructions

Compatibility Data: Suitable for use in outdoor gardens, patios, or backyard spaces, providing shade, shelter, and comfort while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of outdoor environments.
